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When applying for a payday loan, you should know that there is more than one manner in which you can receive the payday advance loan you applied for. You could either have the money you need transferred directly into your bank account, or you can receive the loan in the form of a prepaid debit card.
A prepaid debit card is secure and convenient to use, it is accepted everywhere and can be used for anything, if it’s paying your bills or shopping online or withdrawing cash at a ATM. With a prepaid debit card you will not need to pay any confusing or outrageous bank fees and overdraft fees. One of the greatest benefits of a pre-paid debit card is that in the future, you are able cut the usual time it takes to apply for a loan by simply giving the lending company your card number, it even gets you approved faster than usual if you repay your loans within the agreed term every time.
A prepaid debit card might be exactly what you need id you do not conduct financial transactions through a bank, if it’s because you’ve been denied an account due to bad banking track record or you choose not to due to bad previous banking experience or lack trust in banking institutions.
A direct bank deposit works differently, rather than having your loan on a pre-paid card, the loan is transferred electronically to your bank account. This allows you to use the loan in every way you are able to use a pre-paid debit card as well and a better repayment option. When you need to pay back the loan, you can simply have the lending company withdraw the fund out of your account rather than have to go online and go through the trouble of going through the repayment process.
Both the prepaid debit card and the direct bank deposit are convenient ways to receive your cash loan. It’s all a matter of considering the options of each method and choosing one that is most appealing to you and your current situation. Not all lenders provide both options, only one or the other, so it’s important to remember when considering a lender as well.