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Privacy Policy


Although we take special precautions to ensure the information provided by this site is accurate. We cannot guarantee the completeness of the information or services provided, nor do we provide any type of warranty or guarantee of approval for services.

If you choose to use the information provided on this site, you will be taking full responsibility for its use, and this site, and its owner, cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage that occurs from the use of the information and services provided herein.

Privacy Statement

At, we take great measures to ensure the privacy of our customers. The following disclosure will discuss the information we gather and what it will be used for.

What is Automatically Gathered

When you arrive at the site, it will automatically record your IP address and server information. This information is used by us to determine the volume of visitors in a certain area. This information will not be used to contact you, nor does it give us any personal information about any individual.

Quote Request Forms

The information that we gather on our request forms will include information such as name, email address, and phone number. This information is voluntarily given by our customers.

We do work with third party lenders. The information provided on the request form will be shared with these lenders in order to provide the customer with quotes on the specific loan that match the request made.

Although your information will be shared with our lenders, this information will not be shared with any third party which is not a part of our network of lenders.

Links to External Sites

This site does contain links to other sites. does not guarantee that the privacy practices for those sites are the same as ours. If you choose to use these links it will be your responsibility to review the privacy policy of that site.

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Privacy Policy